
Our Teachers

Tanya Kramer

Tanya lived and worked in Germany for 8 years and trained with some of the top vocal trainers in Germany, Holland and Italy.

Tanya is passionate about teaching the proper breathing protocols to prevent vocal-chord damage, and developing each person’s full potential. She has been very successful in healing already damaged vocal-chords.
All styles are accommodated; from musicals to jazz/blues, Afrikaans genre, country, rock, etc.
Internationally trained Tanya Kramer

Internationally trained Tanya Kramer

Katya Kramer

Katya ( Tanya’s daughter)  was  surrounded by music from birth. Music has always been  a major part of her life.
Hearing and applying voice techniques has become second nature to her.From years in the industry Katya has developed an ear for what is right, she has the ability to identify a student’s problem very quickly, and knows how to rectify it.
For several years, Katya has been teaching young children between the ages of 6 and 14, assisting Tanya with her overflow client bookings.
Katya has a very exciting and sometimes magical way of bringing across to her students how to apply the right singing technique.
Children's vocal specialist, Katya Kramer

Children’s vocal specialist, Katya Kramer

Adult Singing Lessons

Dimensions Vocal Studio offers vocal training for adults of all ages. Whether wanting to take up a new hobby or pursue vocal arts as a profession, Tanya Kramer will be able to tailor lessons to your needs.

Children’s Singing Lessons

Dimensions Vocal Studio offers singing lessons for children between the ages of 6 and 14. The talented Katya Kramer has a passion for enhancing technique and building confidence in the youth of today.

Voice Healing

Incorrect technique and overuse of the vocal chords can cause extreme damage to one's singing career. Tanya Kramer offers specialized technique training which can not only improve damaged vocal chords but eliminate the need for surgery.