
Singing Programs

The techniques used are aimed at developing the full beauty and power of the voice naturally, without harming the vocal chords.

The student learns how to fully engage his/her voice like the glorious biological instrument it really is.  With growing knowledge and proper training the voice becomes more and more agile and flexible, so that the student is able to sing in any style or genre.  If  you believe (or have been told)  that  you can only sing one kind of music, it may be because you have  not had the correct training; with our techniques you will be able to  achieve so much more within your natural ability.
Bad habits can take some time to change, but we can, within a short period of time, expand your vocal range substantially, and you will be able to sing lower and higher notes than you ever  thought possible.
The most exciting part of this technique is that you will be able to fully express yourself with your voice without damaging the vocal chords.  Even your grunge rock vibe can be done without damage.
If you should already have tired or damaged vocal chords, we can help heal your vocal chords by teaching you a technique that would prevent this unhealthy state to re-appear. This works equally well for professional singers who use their voices a great deal, thus avoiding the dreaded “scraping “of the vocal chords altogether.
We teach children from the age of 6 years, and we make sure that even at a young age they learn the right habits, so that eventually they will be fully in control of their vocal instrument. This gives them the ability to express themselves confidently from early on.
Dimensions Vocal Studio

Adult Singing Lessons

Dimensions Vocal Studio offers vocal training for adults of all ages. Whether wanting to take up a new hobby or pursue vocal arts as a profession, Tanya Kramer will be able to tailor lessons to your needs.

Children’s Singing Lessons

Dimensions Vocal Studio offers singing lessons for children between the ages of 6 and 14. The talented Katya Kramer has a passion for enhancing technique and building confidence in the youth of today.

Voice Healing

Incorrect technique and overuse of the vocal chords can cause extreme damage to one's singing career. Tanya Kramer offers specialized technique training which can not only improve damaged vocal chords but eliminate the need for surgery.